Some browsers do not support specific commands yet. The purpose of browserCompatibility file is to target specific browsers to replace the non working commands with something else. Source:
@mixin defaultFonts()
Setup new font families by using font faces
Now it works in both and other elements.
elements, place the mixin at parent.
For background img, use the element you want and it will add an after that does the work.
svgUrl must be in single or double quotes because it’s a string.
Need to test for side effects
$svgColor: black (color)
The color you want to assign to the svg
$svgUrl: (string)
The link of the svg file
$isImage: false (bool)
If the url leads to an image
To-do List
More documentation and testing needed
@function ratio()
Convert number to ratio (fraction) ratio(1.7777778) => 16/9
Flex | Flex Basis If its flex property, the list has 3 items, flex-grow, flex-shrink, flex-basis
Child Stretch for equal height columns