@function contains() [private]
Parameters & Return
$data: ( list | map )
Takes a list or a map.
$val: ( map )
Takes a value of any type and checks if it exists in the current list or map.
@return ( bool )
Returns a true if the value is contained in the list or map.
Used By
@function remove-duplicates() [private]
@function has-duplicates() [private]
@function count-duplicate-occurances() [private]
@mixin flex-properties() [private]
@mixin flex()
@mixin spacing()
@mixin mq()
@mixin mqMax()
@mixin simple-grid()
@function help()
@function depth() [private]
Searches for the depth of a map.
Parameters & Return
$map: ( map )
The map you want to find the depth of.
@return ( number )
ax depth of $map
@function get() [private]
You can access the config data with the get()
function will only retrieve data from sinister configuration. This way the syntax is simpler and thus retrieving data is quicker.
Parameters & Return
$key: ( string )
Takes a key and if it exists in configuration
@return ( * )
Returns the value/es that exist in the key.
Used By
@function color()
@mixin flex-properties() [private]
@mixin flex()
@mixin spacing()
@mixin mq()
@mixin mqMax()
@mixin simple-grid()
@function fw()
@function to-unit()
@function help()
@function prefix-url()
@function remove-duplicates() [private]
Removes duplicate occurances in a list
@function contains() [private]
@function has-duplicates() [private]
Detects if a list has duplicate values
Parameters & Return
$list: (list)
Input list
@return (bool)
If the list contains duplicates, returns true, otherwise returns false
@function contains() [private]
@function count-duplicate-occurances() [private]
Detects how many duplicate values a map has, and returns a sum of the total duplicate values
Parameters & Return
$list: (list)
Input list
@return (bool)
The total amount of duplicate values.
@function contains() [private]
@function set() [private]
Similar to get set function sets a value to a map
Parameters & Return
$map: (map)
A map that contains setting values to update or add new data to sinister configuration
$original-map: (map)
By default $original map is pointing to the default sinister configuration.
@return (map)
Returns an updated map that is a merge of $new-map and $original-map.
Key #{$key}
Used By
@function set-config()
@function strip-unit() [private]
Theodoros Kondakos
Parameters & Return
$number: (Number)
Number to remove unit from
@return (Number)
Unitless number
https://github.com/TheoKondak [external]
@function too-large-min-width() [private]
Used in media query mixins. Checks if min
width is larger than max
Parameters & Return
$min-width: (number)
A minimum width value
$max-width: (number)
A maximum width value
@return (bool)
Returns true if the min
width is larger than the max
@function type() [private]
Parameters & Return
$data: (*)
The variable you want it’s type checked
$data-types: (list)
A list of data types.
@return (type)
If the $data
belong to any type from $data-types
, it returns true
Used By
@mixin flex-properties() [private]
@mixin flex()
@mixin spacing()
@mixin simple-grid()
@function set-config()
@function help()
@mixin flex-properties() [private]
This mixin acts like a function so I don’t have to write the same code twice. So it works for both with and without breakpoints.
$cur-arg: (string | list)
The currect arguement passed from flex mixin