@function contains() [private]

Parameters & Return

$data: ( list | map )

Takes a list or a map.

$val: ( map )

Takes a value of any type and checks if it exists in the current list or map.

@return ( bool )

Returns a true if the value is contained in the list or map.

Used By

@function remove-duplicates() [private]

@function has-duplicates() [private]

@function count-duplicate-occurances() [private]

@mixin flex-properties() [private]

@mixin flex()

@mixin spacing()

@mixin mq()

@mixin mqMax()

@mixin simple-grid()

@function help()

@function depth() [private]

Searches for the depth of a map.

Parameters & Return

$map: ( map )

The map you want to find the depth of.

@return ( number )

ax depth of $map

@function get() [private]

You can access the config data with the get() function. get() function will only retrieve data from sinister configuration. This way the syntax is simpler and thus retrieving data is quicker.

Parameters & Return

$key: ( string )

Takes a key and if it exists in configuration

@return ( * )

Returns the value/es that exist in the key.

Used By

@function color()

@mixin flex-properties() [private]

@mixin flex()

@mixin spacing()

@mixin mq()

@mixin mqMax()

@mixin simple-grid()

@function fw()

@function to-unit()

@function help()

@function prefix-url()

@function remove-duplicates() [private]

Removes duplicate occurances in a list


@function contains() [private]

@function has-duplicates() [private]

Detects if a list has duplicate values

Parameters & Return

$list: (list)

Input list

@return (bool)

If the list contains duplicates, returns true, otherwise returns false


@function contains() [private]

@function count-duplicate-occurances() [private]

Detects how many duplicate values a map has, and returns a sum of the total duplicate values

Parameters & Return

$list: (list)

Input list

@return (bool)

The total amount of duplicate values.


@function contains() [private]

@function set() [private]

Similar to get set function sets a value to a map

Parameters & Return

$map: (map)

A map that contains setting values to update or add new data to sinister configuration

$original-map: (map)

By default $original map is pointing to the default sinister configuration.

@return (map)

Returns an updated map that is a merge of $new-map and $original-map.


Key #{$key} doesn

Used By

@function set-config()

@function strip-unit() [private]


  • Theodoros Kondakos

Parameters & Return

$number: (Number)

Number to remove unit from

@return (Number)

Unitless number

@function too-large-min-width() [private]

Used in media query mixins. Checks if min width is larger than max width

Parameters & Return

$min-width: (number)

A minimum width value

$max-width: (number)

A maximum width value

@return (bool)

Returns true if the min width is larger than the max width


@function px()

Used By

@mixin mq()

@function type() [private]

Parameters & Return

$data: (*)

The variable you want it’s type checked

$data-types: (list)

A list of data types.

@return (type)

If the $data belong to any type from $data-types, it returns true

Used By

@mixin flex-properties() [private]

@mixin flex()

@mixin spacing()

@mixin simple-grid()

@function set-config()

@function help()

@mixin flex-properties() [private]

This mixin acts like a function so I don’t have to write the same code twice. So it works for both with and without breakpoints.


$cur-arg: (string | list)

The currect arguement passed from flex mixin


@mixin spacing()

@function getMap()

@function get() [private]

@function type() [private]

@function contains() [private]

Used By

@mixin flex()