@function color()

aliased as cl()

Parameters & Return

$key: (color)

A key from colors map that exists in _sin.config.scss

$brightness: 0 (color)

If it is a negative value, it will apply sass darken(), if it is a positive value, it will apply sass lighten(). If it is zero, it will render the normal color

$step: 4 (color)

How prominent the effect will be

@return (color)

Returns a CSS color from _sin.config.scss, and can brighten or darken a color.


Color function needs a valid input. It requires a color key from _sin.config.scss. The current value is: #{$key}. See bellow for available colors


scss color()
  color: color(test-color, 3);
css compiled
.sin {
  color: #ffb01f;
scss You use color function in places like rgba
  color: rgba(color(test-color), .4);
css compiled
.sin {
  color: rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.4);


@function help()

@function get() [private]

Used By

@function cl()